Beta Colony -
Beta Colony
2-4 , 40-80 ,
Ben Pinchback
Matt Riddle
James Davis
Rio Grande Games
Jim Thompson (StCharles)
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.

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Beta Colony

It all started when the Imperium seized control of Earth and declared martial law, sentencing those who opposed their will to immediate death or worse fates. It seemed as if all hope was lost, but before their edict could be carried out, a group of defectors managed to wrest control of the Ridback, a Class–II jumpship, and flee with as many of the condemned as they could save.

It has been close to seven years that these refugees from Earth have called the Ridback home, and finally the crew has found a planet with promise. They have managed to establish outposts around it, and now the great burden falls on you to expand these small "alphas" into a full-fledged Beta Colony. Success will mean that your people will be able to begin life anew on exoplanet 14 Bos c, or, as they have renamed it, "Victus" - Latin for "way of life."


In Beta Colony, you are working to establish prosperous colonies on Victus. If you earn the most Confidence, you will be elected as the first leader of Victus. Players will collect the needed building materials to produce and erect colonization pods – Defense Stations, Science and Tech Towers, Living Quarters, Agriculture Pods, and Water Treatment Centers – on the varied terrain of Victus.

Each round, the start player rolls his set of four dice. All other players duplicate that roll with their own dice. Players take two actions each round, one action at a time in turn order, with each action using two dice. Players will use one die to move and one die to activate the location to which they moved. Die color and value affect how the locations are used. Players will build colonization pods in each of three colonies to gain the confidence of the settlers and lead them to glory!

  1. “Victus” Game Board x1
  2. Round Marker x1
  3. Start Player Marker x1
  4. Player Mats x5
  5. Player Markers x4
  6. Cycle Cards x9
  7. Cultural Achievements x8
  8. Cultural Achievement Tiles x8
  9. Colonization Pod Tiles x40
  10. Player Dice x16
  11. Player Spaceships x4
  12. Artifacts x16
  13. Fuel x30
  14. Materials x72
  15. Player Crew x60
  1. Place the game board in the center of the play area.
  2. Place fuel, artifacts, and materials in separate piles near the game board.
  3. Shuffle and place all colonization pods in a face-down pile near the left Manufactory. Deal four rows of two face-up pods onto the marked spaces as shown.
  4. Shuffle and place the four cultural achievement building cards in a face-up stack near the board. Place the four cultural achievement statue cards in a face-up row. Place the cultural achievement tiles face-up near the board.
  5. Randomly select one of the three first cycle cards and place it face-up on the top space of the board as shown. Repeat with the second and third cycle cards (placing them in the second and third spaces respectively) until there are three face-up cycle cards, one in each space. Remove unused cycle cards from the game.
  6. Place the round marker on the top space of the round tracker, marked "1".
  7. Randomly select a start player and give him the start player marker.
  8. Players select a player mat in reverse turn order. The player to the right of the start player takes all five player mats and selects one, then passes the remaining player mats counterclockwise. That player selects one, and so on, until all players have selected a player mat. Remove unused player mats from the game.
  9. Players take the ship, four player markers, and fifteen crew of one color. They also take a set of four dice (black, blue, red, green), one fuel, and two randomly selected materials.
  10. Players place one player marker next to each of the three colony tracks (not on the track itself) and one next to the score track.
  11. In reverse turn order, each player places his ship on one of the seven locations in orbit around the central planet - called Victus. Each player must select a different location.

Beta Colony is played over three cycles with three rounds in each cycle. Each Round:

Roll Dice

The start player rolls his four dice. All other players duplicate the roll values with their own dice.

Perform Actions

In turn order, each player will perform his first action using two of his dice. Then, continuing in turn order, each player will perform a second action using his remaining two dice.

Round End

The start player marker is passed clockwise and the round marker is advanced one space. At the beginning of rounds 1, 4, and 7 the bonus on the cycle card takes effect. At the end of rounds 3, 6, and 9 the goal on the cycle card is scored.

Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three
Rounds 1-3 Rounds 4-6 Rounds 7-9

Roll Dice

The start player rolls his set of four dice. All other players change their dice to match the start player's dice.

The start player rolls his entire set of four dice. All other players change their dice to duplicate that roll, i.e., change the faces on their dice to match.

For example, if the start player rolls the dice shown here, each other player must set his dice to match: Blue = 1, Red = 3, Green = 2, Black = 6.

Perform Actions

An action consists of either using a first die to move one's ship and a second die to activate the ship's new location or spending two dice to take one fuel.


Select one of your unused dice and move your ship a number of locations clockwise around the central planet equal to the value of the die.

Activate Location

After moving your ship, select one of your unused dice and perform the action of the location. The action can depend on the color and/or value of the die.

Dock for fuel

Instead of moving your ship and activating its new location, you may spend two dice to take one fuel.

All players will use their dice to perform TWO actions.

All four dice are used each round.

Actions are performed using TWO dice per action as follows:

Example: Using the dice shown above, a player chooses to move using the black die "6". He moves his ship six spaces clockwise from the left Manufactory to Nebra. He then must select a remaining die to perform the action at Nebra.

The player selects the blue die "1" and performs the action. He moves his black die "6" and blue die "1" to his spent dice area and now has green die "2" and red die "3" available for his second action when it is his turn again.


Select one of your available dice and move your ship a number of locations clockwise around the central planet equal to the value of the selected die. Players will always move to one of the seven locations in orbit. You MUST always move prior to activating a location. Multiple players may occupy the same location.

Activate Location

Once you have moved your ship, select an unused die and perform the action at the ship's location. Locations may provide bonuses for using certain die colors and/or values when activated. When you activate a location, you must perform the action if able.

Once you have performed the action, move the two used dice to the "spent dice" area on your player mat. Then the next player in clockwise order takes a turn moving his ship and activating its location. Repeat until all players have completed TWO actions. You will always use each of your four dice once during a round.

Dock for fuel

Instead of moving your ship and activating its location, you may choose to dock at your current location and take one fuel. When docking for fuel, do not move and do not take an action. Instead, select two dice, move them to your spent dice area and take one fuel.

Round End

At the end of the round move the start player marker clockwise to the next player. At the end of rounds 3, 6, and 9, award Confidence Points to the players who meet the goal on the current cycle card. At the beginning of rounds 1, 4, and 7, the cycle card for the new cycle goes into effect. (See Cycle Cards.)
After all players have performed two actions, move the start player marker clockwise to the next player. Advance the round marker down one space. At the beginning of rounds 1, 4, and 7, the bonus on the current cycle card activates for that cycle. At the end of rounds 3, 6, and 9, award Confidence Points to the players who meet the goal on the current cycle card. (See Cycle Cards.)
After round 9 players score game end Confidence Points as follows:
  • Artifacts: 1 Confidence Point each.
  • Cultural Achievements: Confidence Points indicated on the player's cultural achievements.
  • Colony Majority: For each of the three colonies each player compares the number of crew he has in the colony to the number of crew the player with the fewest crew in the colony has. The player scores Confidence Points according to the difference as follows:
    Diff. 1 2 3 4 5+
    Points 1 3 6 10 15

The player with the most total Confidence Points wins! In case of a tie, the tied player who placed the most crew on Victus is the winner.

The game ends after Round 9.

Each player’s score is the combination of Confidence Points (CP) earned during the game from colony tracks, pod bonuses, cycle cards, and action bonuses, and end-game Confidence Points from cultural achievements, artifacts, and colony majorities. Track Confidence Points on the score track.

Score cultural achievements, remaining artifacts, and colony majorities:

Example: In Xian, the blue player has four crew, white has two crew, and purple has eight crew. White has the fewest crew and scores 0 Confidence Points. Blue has two more crew than white (4-2) and scores 3 Confidence Points. Purple has six more crew than white (8-2) and scores 15 Confidence Points.

  • Artifacts: 1 Confidence Point each.
  • Cultural Achievements: Each player scores the Confidence Points on his completed cultural achievements.
  • Colony Majority: Each of the three colonies is evaluated and scored separately. To score a colony majority, compare how many crew each player has in the colony to that of the player with the fewest crew in the colony (the fewest may be 0). Each player then scores points according to that difference as follows:
    Difference 1 2 3 4 5+
    Points 1 3 6 10 15

The player with the most total Confidence Points wins! In case of a tie, the tied player who placed the most crew on Victus is the winner. If still tied, players begrudgingly enjoy their shared victory.

The locations in orbit around Victus provide players with the resources needed to complete the colonization of Victus.

Moons: Gan De, Jyo & Nebra

Each moon lets you take one (die value 1 - 4) or two (die value 5 - 6) materials of two particular types. If two materials are taken, they can be the same or different.

Each moon scores 1 Confidence Point if it is activated with a die of a particular color.

  • Gan De: organics (green) and steel (yellow), die color green
  • Jyo: food (pink) and palladium (red), die color blue
  • Nebra: polymer (orange) and water (blue), die color red

A player may never have more than 10 materials.

If cycle card 3 or your mat gives you an extra material, that extra material is awarded after you choose the usual one or two materials.

Collection teams and mining facilities have been set up on each of the moons of Victus to accumulate and produce the materials that are used to prepare and build the pods.

Gan De

Gan De is rich in organics (green) and steel (yellow).

  • When you use a die with value 1-4, take one material of your choice, either steel or organics.
  • When you use a die with value 5-6, take two materials of your choice, any combination of steel and/or organics.

Bonus: If you use your green die to activate Gan De, you earn 1 Confidence Point.


Jyo has an edible fruit for food (pink) and the chemical element palladium (red).

  • When you use a die with value 1-4, take one material of your choice, either palladium or food.
  • When you use a die with value 5-6, take two materials of your choice, any combination of palladium and/or food.

Bonus: If you use your blue die to activate Jyo, you earn 1 Confidence Point.


Nebra, mostly water, is the primary local source of polymer (orange) and water (blue).

  • When you use a die with value 1-4, take one material of your choice, either polymer or water.
  • When you use a die with value 5-6, take two materials of your choice, any combination of polymer and/or water.

Bonus: If you use your red die to activate Nebra, you earn 1 Confidence Point.

Materials are stored on your player mat. You may never have more than 10 total materials at any time.


The Manufactories allow you to take a pod and build it in any of the three colonies.

You can take a pod only from the row labelled with the value of your activation die.

To take a pod, you must spend one material matching the color of the pod.

You must immediately build the pod on an open space in one of the colonies on Victus. You may not take a pod you are not able to immediately build.

To build a pod, you must spend one material matching the color of the space on which you chose to build the pod.

After you build a pod:

  • Place one (zero or two if the pod bonus so indicates) of your crew on the newly built pod.
  • Determine the influence you gained, move on the influence track of the colony in which you built the pod, and take any colony bonuses you earned.
  • Take an artifact, fuel or points bonus if shown on the pod.

RESTRICTION: You may not build a pod on a space if doing so would create a contiguous group of more than three pods of the same color.

Build colonization pods to expand the three colonies on Victus.

The Manufactories allow you to select a pod and build it in any of the three colonies – Xi’an, Thebes or Cuzco. You select a pod based on the die value you chose to activate with when at either Manufactory.

  • If you activate with a die value 1-2, you must select a pod in the row labeled 1-2.
  • If you activate with a die value 3-4, you must select a pod in the row labeled 3-4.
  • If you activate with a die value 5, you must select a pod in the row labeled 5.
  • If you activate with a die value 6, you must select a pod in the row labeled 6.

To take a pod, you must spend one material matching the color of the pod that you are taking i.e. a science and tech tower (red) costs a palladium (red), a water treatment center (blue) costs a water (blue).

After you select a pod, you must immediately build it on an open space in one of the colonies on Victus. You may not take a pod you are not able to immediately build.

Finally, draw a tile to fill the empty spot in the Manufactory.

Building Pods

Example: After taking a science & tech tower (red pod) and spending a palladium (red), it now must be built on Victus. Building it on the yellow space would require a steel (yellow). Building it on the green space it would require an organics (green). A crew is then placed on the pod.

You must build a pod on an open space in one of the three colonies.

The material required to build a pod is determined by the color of the space on which you choose to build it. To build a pod, you spend the material matching the color of the chosen space.

After a colonization pod is built, you:

  • Place one of your crew on the newly built pod.
  • Determine your influence and adjust the matching colony track. (See Colony Influence.)
  • Immediately take any bonus shown on the pod tile. (See Colonization Pod Bonuses.)


A contiguous group of pods of the same type (color) may never be larger than THREE pods i.e. no more than three pods of the same color can be connected in a group at any time .

The Ridback

Take one fuel if the activation die value is 1 or 2, two fuel if the value is 3 or 4, and three fuel if the value is 5 or 6.

Get Fuel.

The Ridback allows you to get fuel:

  • If you activate with a die value 1-2, take one fuel.
  • If you activate with a die value 3-4, take two fuel.
  • If you activate with a die value 5-6, take three fuel.

Azophi Nexus

The Azophi Nexus lets you either take one material and one fuel or take and build a cultural achievement. If you already have 10 materials, you can take just the fuel.

The value of the die has no effect, but you score 1 Confidence Point if the die is black.

To build a cultural achievement:
  • Choose a face-up cultural achievement.
  • Pay the cost (3 artifacts or 4 specified materials) shown on the cultural achievement.
  • Choose an empty colony space not adjacent to a colony center.
  • Pay one material of the color of the space.
  • Place the cultural achievement's tile on the space.
After building a cultural achievement:
  • Place a crew on the cultural achievement tile.
  • If a bonus is shown on the cultural achievement, take the bonus.

Confidence points from cultural achievements are scored at game end.

A player may build at most two cultural achievements.

Take any one material and one fuel OR Build a cultural achievement.

The Azophi Nexus allows you to take any one material of your choice and a fuel OR build a cultural achievement.

Take any one material and one fuel.
The value of the activation die has no effect. Take one fuel and one material of any color.


Build a cultural achievement. (See Cultural Achievements).
The value of the activation die has no effect. Select an available cultural achievement and pay the cost shown on it (three artifacts for statues, four materials for buildings). The top cultural achievement in the building pile and any available statues can be built.

You then take the matching cultural achievement tile and must build it on an open space in any colony, but NOT adjacent to a colony center. To build the cultural achievement tile, you spend the material matching the color of the chosen space.

After building a cultural achievement, you:

  • Place one of your crew on the newly built cultural achievement tile.
  • Place the cultural achievement face-down next to your player mat and take the bonus indicated on it, if any. Confidence Points are scored at game end. NOTE: A player may never build more than TWO cultural achievements during the game.

Bonus: If you use your black die to activate the Azophi Nexus, you earn 1 Confidence Point.

When you build a colonization pod you gain the following influence:

  • The influence shown on the pod (0, 1, 2, or 3),
  • 1 influence for every other pod in the contiguous group of pods of the same color containing the built pod (0, 1 or 2), and
  • 1 influence if the pod is built on a space adjacent to a colony center.

When you gain influence in a colony, move your marker forward one space per influence along the colony track. Take the bonuses shown on the spaces you move over or land on.

Every time you build a colonization pod in a colony, you gain influence in that colony. Adjust your position on the colony's influence track by moving your player marker forward (clockwise) along the track a number of spaces equal to the influence you gained. This influence earns you bonuses as you progress towards the end of the colony track. (See colony bonuses.)

After you build a colonization pod, you receive influence for that pod as follows:

  • The influence shown on the pod (0, 1, 2, or 3).
  • 1 bonus influence for each other colonization pod of the same type (color) in a contiguous group (this will never be more than 2 bonus influence because a contiguous group of like tiles may never be larger than a group of three).
  • 1 bonus influence if the new pod is built adjacent to a colony center.

Example: Blue Player builds a blue pod on the yellow space as shown. The pod has two influence so she receives 2 influence in that colony. In addition, she receives the following bonus influence: 1 influence for each of the previously built blue pods in the contiguous group of like tiles and 1 influence for being adjacent to a colony center. 2 influence + 2 influence + 1 influence = 5 total influence for this pod build. She was on the first space of the colony track from a prior build and now moves up 5 spaces to the 6th space on the track and immediately receives any bonuses and Confidence Points her marker passed over: a material of her choice, 2 fuel and 3 Confidence Points.

When you make progress on any of the colony tracks that surround each colony, you may earn a bonus. You earn a bonus when your player marker lands on or passes a space that contains a bonus. Take bonuses immediately. Multiple bonuses can be received on the same turn.

Each colony track has different bonuses and you must progress up each track separately to receive them.


Receive the indicated Confidence Points and adjust the score track immediately.

Take any one material from supply.

Take any two materials from supply.

Take one artifact from supply.

Take two fuel from supply.

Place a crew on any colonization pod (even another player’s pod).

Take any one face-up colonization pod without paying the cost and build it for free.

Take a cultural achievement from the Azophi Nexus without paying the cost and build it for free.

You take colonization pod bonuses immediately when you build a pod in a colony. The bonus is shown on the pod.

Yellow Defense Station
Red Science and Tech Tower
Pink Living Quarters
Green Agriculture Pod
Blue Water Treatment Center


Earn two Confidence Points.

Take one artifact from supply.

Take two fuel from supply.

Place two crew on this pod instead of one.

Do not place crew on this pod. Note: You still gain the influence

Player mats
A player's mat shows the two unique powers the player has throughout the game.

Artifacts can be spent in place of any color material.

Artifacts can not be substituted for material when scoring the "points for material" cultural achievement. Nor can they be discarded in place of material for the "discard pictured materials" cycle card goal.

Cultural achievement statues cost 3 artifacts.

At game end unused artifacts score 1 Confidence Point each.

There is a limit of 16 artifacts in the game.

Spent artifacts are returned to the supply.

Fuel is used to modify die values. Each fuel spent changes the die value by +/– 1, e.g. a "4" roll can be changed to a "3" or a "5" by spending one fuel, and a "6" can be changed to a "4" or "8" by spending two fuel. You may not modify a die to "0" or a negative value. The fuel supply is unlimited.

Cycle Cards
Three randomly selected cycle cards are used in each game, one for each cycle. Each cycle card has a goal that earns Confidence Points for players who fulfill it at the end of the cycle and a bonus that adds a special rule during the cycle.

Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three
Rounds 1-3 Rounds 4-6 Rounds 7-9

Cultural Achievements There are two types of cultural achievements: buildings and statues. All statues are available to be built from the start of the game, but only the topmost building in the stack of buildings is available to be built. After the topmost building has been taken and built, the next building is revealed and becomes available to be built.

Statues cost three artifacts. Buildings cost the four materials shown on the building.

After purchasing a cultural achievement, take it and the matching cultural achievement tile. Immediately build the tile on an empty colony space that is not adjacent to a colony center by spending the material matching the color of the colony space.

When you build a cultural achievement building, you take the shown bonus, if any, immediately. Confidence Points for both types of achievements are scored at game end.

A player may never build more than TWO cultural achievements during the game.

Player Mats

A player's mat stores materials, artifacts, fuel, and player dice. The player mat also shows each player the two unique powers he has throughout the game.


Artifacts can be spent in place of any color material, i.e., they act as a "wild" material, but only for spending purposes.

Artifacts can not be substituted for material when scoring the "points for material" cultural achievement. Nor can they be discarded in place of material for the "discard pictured materials" cycle card goal.

Artifacts are needed to pay the cost of cultural achievements statues.

At game end unused artifacts are worth 1 Confidence Point each.

There is a limit of 16 artifacts in the game. A player can hold any number of them.

Spent artifacts are returned to the supply.


Fuel is used to modify die values. One fuel grants +/– 1 to a die value. e.g. a "4" roll can be used as a "3" or a "5" using one fuel. A "6" can be used as a "4" or "8" using two fuel. You may use as many fuel on a die or during a turn as you are able. You may not modify a die to "0" or a negative value. You may use fuel on any action or movement. The fuel supply is unlimited.

Cycle Cards

Confidence Points



There are separate cycle cards for the first, second, and third cycles in the game. Each cycle has three cards and one of the three is randomly selected for each game. This means out of the 9 cards, only three will be used each game. Each cycle card has a goal for the end of the cycle and a bonus that applies to all players for the duration of the cycle.

The cycle bonus is activated at the beginning of each cycle (rounds 1,4,7). The goal is scored at the end of each cycle (rounds 3,6,9). Each player who meets the requirement of the goal earns the Confidence Points shown on the cycle card.

Cycle One Cycle Two Cycle Three
Rounds 1-3 Rounds 4-6 Rounds 7-9

Cultural Achievements


End of Game CP


There are two types of cultural achievements: buildings and statues. You purchase them at the Azophi Nexus. After purchasing a cultural achievement, take it and place it face-down next to your player mat. You then take the matching cultural achievement tile and immediately build it on an empty colony space that is not adjacent to a colony center by spending the material matching the color of the colony space.

You pay for buildings by spending the four materials shown on the cultural achievement building you selected. Only the topmost building in the stack is available to be built. After it has been taken and built, a new cultural achievement building is revealed and is available to be built.

You pay for statues by paying three artifacts. All statues are available to be built from the start of the game.

When you build a cultural achievement, you take the shown bonus immediately, if any. Confidence Points are scored at game end. A player may never build more than TWO cultural achievements during the game.

Player mats

+1 food when you collect from Jyo.

Your black die acts as a "6" when collecting materials.

+1 water when you collect from Nebra.

When taking pods, your black die may be used as any value.

+1 steel when you collect from Gan De.

+1 fuel when you take fuel from the Azophi Nexus or the Ridback.

+1 organics when you collect from Gan De.

When taking pods, you may use two matching materials as any material. This applies only to taking pods, not to building them.

+1 palladium when you collect from Jyo.

You may move your ship counterclockwise when using your black die.

Cycle cards

Cycle One

GOAL: Have four or more matching materials.

BONUS: At the beginning of each round after the dice roll each player may change one of his dice to a "6".

GOAL: Have two or more crew that are adjacent to the same colony center.

BONUS: At the start of the cycle in turn order each player may take one material from the supply.

GOAL: Have an artifact.

BONUS: +1 polymer when you collect from Nebra.

Cycle Two

GOAL: Have two or more crew in each colony.

BONUS: At the start of the cycle in turn order each player gains one influence on any colony track.

GOAL: Have crew on colonization pods of four or more different colors.

BONUS: Polymer can be used as any material.

GOAL: Have four or more influence in each colony.

BONUS: At the start of the cycle add a pod tile to each row of the Manufactory, creating a third column. Refresh as normal. Discard the third column at the end of the cycle.

Cycle Three

GOAL: Discard the seven pictured materials. Artifacts cannot be substituted for the materials.

Note: If you have the "points for materials" cultural achievement and a total of 7 or 8 materials, this goal will be automatically declined so that you will score 12 points for the cultural achievement instead of only 8 for the goal plus 0 or 2 for the cultural achievement.

BONUS: At the beginning of each round after the dice roll each player may flip one die.

GOAL: Have seven or more fuel.

BONUS: Gain an extra influence when building a colonization pod you bought from a Manufactory. This does not apply when building a cultural achievement tile or a colonization pod that is built for free via a colony bonus.

GOAL: Have six or more crew on pods not adjacent to colony centers.

BONUS: When you build a colonization pod that you bought from a Manufactory you may spend an additional material of your choice or an artifact to score two points. This does not apply when building a cultural achievement tile or a colonization pod that is built for free via a colony bonus.

Cultural achievements


At game end score 2 points for each material you have. You can not substitute artifacts for material. (maximum 12 points)

If you use the "points for depicted materials" cycle card goal, those materials are discarded and therefore are not scored by this achievement.

At game end score 2 points for each crew in your longest chain of crew on adjacent tiles. (maximum 12 points)

At game end score 2 points for each of your crew that is adjacent to the same colony center. (maximum 12 points)

At game end score 3 points for each colonization pod of any one color on which you have crew. (maximum 12 points)


At game end score 7 points.

Bonus: Immediately place a crew on any colonization pod.

At game end score 7 points.

Bonus: Immediately gain 1 influence on any colony track.

At game end score 8 points.

BONUS: Immediately take 1 fuel.

At game end score 9 points.

The number of crew (top number) and the colony majority points they will earn at game end (bottom number) is shown for each player at the top of each colony.
The projected game end points for players do not include points for cycle card goals for the current and future cycles.
After a player has paid to build a colonization pod, the order of the next steps is:
1 - place crew on the pod;
2 - if the relevant cycle card is in effect, optionally spend 1 material to buy 2 Confidence Points;
3 - take a possible pod bonus of fuel, an artifact or Confidence Points;
4 - advance on the influence track and take colony bonuses.
    Usually after a colonization pod or a cultural achievement building has been bought and built, a new one is not revealed until the player finishes his turn. There are three exceptions:
  • If only one pod or building remains in the talon or building stack then that pod or building is revealed after the player builds the current pod or building.
  • If more than one pod remains in the talon and the player earned the colony bonus of building a free pod then a new pod is revealed after the player builds the current pod. In this situation choosing the material or artifact to pay to build the pod is irreversible.
  • If more than one building remains in the building stack, the player built the building that awards one influence in any colony, the player chooses to gain influence in Thebes, and thereby gets the colony bonus of building a free achievement then the next building is revealed after he chooses to gain influence in Thebes. In this situation choosing Thebes is irreversible.

Click directly on mats and cultural achievements in the player info area, cycle cards, and colony bonuses in the influence tracks to pop up their help information.

Click on the pod talon, which is between the manufactory pods and the rondel, to see the remaining colonization pods.

Click on the question mark icons to pop up help for rondel sectors and the available cultural achievements.

The number of fuel that must be spent to change the value of the chosen die to the value required to move your ship to a particular rondel sector, buy a colonization pod from a particular row, or take 1 or 2 materials from a moon sector is displayed in red.
The supplies of fuel and materials are unlimited. The supplies of artifacts and players' crew are not.
A player can never have more than 10 materials.

Colony spaces are numbered 0-17 (Xi'an), 18-35 (Thebes), and 36-53 (Cuzco). Within each colony start with the top space of the outer ring and proceed clockwise, then do the same for the inner ring.

When you hover over a colony space number in the gamelog with your mouse, the corresponding space gets highlighted with a small white hexagon.

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