1-4 , 10-30 , |
| Adrian Kügel (ak15) |
| Sandra Kügel (SanSan) |
| 2016-05-26 |
| Adrian Kügel (ak15) |
Boardgamegeek | 202375 |
| 1/5 |
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version
Four Knonsters compete in a race in order to find out who is the fastest Knonster.
Is it the anxious Rithle, the snappy Aristas, the self-confident Celya or the devious Elaari?
Choose your two Favorites and help them to get a good rank in the race.
Game components
4 Knonster figures
1 Podium
Game setup
The Knonster figures are placed at the start of the race track.
Card distribution
The deck of cards is shuffled with the cards turned face-down. Then deal to each player:
- with 2 players: 16 cards.
- with 3 players: 14 cards.
- with 4 players: 12 cards.
The remaining cards are put on the table as a hidden draw pile.
Moreover each player takes four different cards with the star symbol
(one for each Knonster).
Choice of Favorites
After each player has gotten his cards, he secretly chooses two of his
four Knonster cards with the star symbol which he wants to select as his Favorites
and puts these cards face down in front of him. The other two cards are put
back into the box.
The Favorites are the Knonsters for which the player will get points
when the game ends according to their rank in the race.
When playing without the variant "Superpowers", all Knonsters have the same chances,
the card distribution of the Knonster-specific cards is completely the same.
Therefore in that case you can base your decision simply on what
hand cards you have gotten.
At yucata, the system of course knows which Favorites the players have chosen, so
in case all players have chosen the same two favorites, the game will be restarted.
Otherwise the game would end in a draw, no matter in which order the Knonsters finish
the race.
If you are playing with the variant "Win Bet", the system additionally checks whether
all players have predicted the same winner; only then the game will be restarted.
Since the game knows the favorites of all players, it can determine if the game is
already decided, that means no matter in which order the remaining Knonsters reach
the goal, the final ranklist of players is the same (only the exact number of points
of each player may vary; these points don't matter for the trueskill calculation though,
only the rank of a player compared to the other players). If that is the case, the
system will first ask the winner, then all other players if they want to let the
system finish the game automatically for them.
If this automatic mode is activated, the system will then take over for the player
and play a random card in each turn.
In clockwise order players play one card in their turn and execute the instructions
of the card. If Knonsters cross the finish line, they get placed on the podium.
If a player has fewer than 5 hand cards, he draws a card at the end of his turn.
The starting player is chosen randomly. Then, starting with the starting player,
each player in clockwise order plays one of his cards and executes the instructions
of the card. In most cases this means, that a certain Knonster will be moved forward
a few steps. But there are cases where the card does not have an effect in the current
game situation; in that case, no Knonster is moved. If a Knonster crosses the finish
line after position 60, it will be placed on the best still available place on the
podium. If a player has fewer than 5 hand cards, the player draws a card from the
draw pile (if there are any cards left).
Some cards are not assigned to a certain Knonster, but instead they move the Knonster
with a certain rank (for example the Knonster with rank 3).
The rank of a Knonster is calculated as follows:
Count how many Knonsters are in front (Knonsters who have crossed the finish line also count)
and add one to the result. If the rank is not unique, because there is more than one Knonster
with that rank, then if that card is played, no Knonster can be moved.
End of Game
The game ends immediately after the third Knonster has crossed the finish line.
Theoretically it can also happen, that the draw deck is depleted when a player is
about to draw a card, but fewer than 3 Knonsters have reached the goal. In that case,
the game also ends, but only for the Knonsters which have reached the goal the
points will be distributed.
Final Scoring
For each Knonster that has reached the goal, the points it got for its rank will be
distributed. For the Knonster with rank 1 48 points are distributed evenly among all
players which have chosen this Knonster as one of their Favorites. Likewise for the
Knonster with rank 2, 24 points are distributed, and for the Knonster with rank 3 12 points
are distributed. The Knonster with rank 4 does not get any points.
If you play with the variant "Win Bet", you get 15 additional points if the Knonster
you predicted as the winner actually got rank 1.
The player with the most points wins the game. In case of a tie there will be several winners.
The "Win Bet" Variant
When choosing the Favorites, the player decides which of his two Favorites
he predicts as the winner of the race. The corresponding star symbol card
is placed face down left of the other chosen star symbol card.
If the prediction is correct, the player receives additional 15 points.
The "Superpowers" Variant
When playing with this variant, a player can use the superpower of a Knonster
he has chosen as one of his Favorites. This is done by revealing the card with the
star symbol (and thus letting the other players know that this is one of his Favorites).
Then, the player plays one of his cards which is affected by the superpower.
A superpower can only be activated if the player can play a card that is affected by
the superpower. These superpowers are described in the appendix.
When the superpower of a Knonster has been used, it is spent and
no player can use the superpower of this Knonster anymore.
In case of a tie, the number of still hidden star symbol cards of a player is
used as tie breaker (bigger is better).
Card effects
Move Knonster Celya 7 steps forward.
Move Knonster Elaari 7 steps forward.
Move Knonster Rithle 7 steps forward.
Move Knonster Aristas 7 steps forward.
Move Knonster Celya 5 steps forward.
Move Knonster Elaari 5 steps forward.
Move Knonster Rithle 5 steps forward.
Move Knonster Aristas 5 steps forward.
Move Knonster Celya at most 20 steps forward
(no further than 2 steps behind the Knonster(s) with rank 1).
Move Knonster Elaari at most 20 steps forward
(no further than 2 steps behind the Knonster(s) with rank 1).
Move Knonster Rithle at most 20 steps forward
(no further than 2 steps behind the Knonster(s) with rank 1).
Move Knonster Aristas at most 20 steps forward
(no further than 2 steps behind the Knonster(s) with rank 1).
Triple the lead of Knonster Celya. This card has no effect
in case the Knonster is not the only one with rank 1.
Example: Celya is 5 steps ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
The Knonster is moved 10 steps forward, and now is 15 steps
ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
Triple the lead of Knonster Elaari. This card has no effect
in case the Knonster is not the only one with rank 1.
Example: Elaari is 5 steps ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
The Knonster is moved 10 steps forward, and now is 15 steps
ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
Triple the lead of Knonster Rithle. This card has no effect
in case the Knonster is not the only one with rank 1.
Example: Rithle is 5 steps ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
The Knonster is moved 10 steps forward, and now is 15 steps
ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
Triple the lead of Knonster Aristas. This card has no effect
in case the Knonster is not the only one with rank 1.
Example: Aristas is 5 steps ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
The Knonster is moved 10 steps forward, and now is 15 steps
ahead of the Knonster with rank 2.
Move the Knonster with rank 4 14 steps forward.
Move the Knonster with rank 3 12 steps forward, but at most
1 step ahead of the Knonster(s) with rank 1.
Move the Knonster with rank 2 9 steps forward.
Precondition: Rithle has not crossed the finish line yet
and is at least 5 steps away from the start.
Move Rithle 5 steps back, then either play the card with which
Rithle can move up to 20 steps (at most 2 steps behind the Knonster(s)
with rank 1) or a card which refers to the current rank of Rithle.
Move Rithle forward according to the regular rules for this card.
Then move Rithle 5 steps forward.
Precondition: Aristas has not crossed the finish line yet,
and is at most 5 steps away from another Knonster which will
be moved with the card to be played.
First move the Knonster affected by the played card. Then move
Aristas as many steps forward as the other Knonster was moved.
If the other Knonster crosses the finish line, its potentially
remaining steps are forfeited.
Precondition: The card to be played needs to be
a +5 or +7 card. The Knonster moved by this card has not
crossed the finish line yet.
Move the Knonster displayed on the card twice as many
steps forward.
Precondition: The card to be played needs to be
a +5 or +7 card of a different Knonster. This Knonster
needs to be at least 1 step away from the start, and should
not have crossed the finish line yet.
Move the Knonster as many steps backward.
In order to learn the game, you can play an unscored game against a robot
player. This player chooses his favorites randomly, and also plays a random
card in each turn (it will however prefer to play cards which move a Knonster
forward; only if this is not possible it will discard a card).
In order to choose the Favorites at the beginning of the game, just click on the
image of the Knonster that you want to choose as one of your Favorites. A heart
will be displayed that indicates that you have chosen this Knonster. If you click
again on the Knonster, it will undo the selection. If you have chosen the second
Favorite, you can only undo the selection of both Favorites by clicking the "Undo"
During the game you can just click on the card that you want to play. If the card
has no effect, it will be discarded (but the mouseover text warns about this).
Moreover you can see the text from the rules for each card by clicking on the
question mark icon in the bottom right corner of a card.
You can see for each player how many steps he has moved each Knonster. This
information is displayed directly below the name of the player. The background
color of the rectangle corresponds to the color of the Knonster which was
moved as many steps as the number in the rectangle indicates. When playing with
the "Superpowers" variant, the number of steps may be replaced with a star
to indicate that the player has used the superpower of this Knonster, and thereby
revealing that it is one of their favorites. You can still see the number of
steps if you click on the colored rectangle with the star.
When playing with the "Win Bet" variant, the heart icon of the Knonster which was
predicted as the winner will show a 1. When revealing at the end of the
game which player has chosen which Knonsters as favorites, the Knonster
which the player predicted as the winner is shown on the left.
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